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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #420 on: April 11, 2012, 02:55:40 pm »
Na nasem mock-u da :D Ja pricam inace. Moze i Glenn da im odgovara ako furaju vece linijase...

Pa i inace, sanse da padne do njih su 1%, to znaci da bi Sinsinati morao 2 puta da ga preskoci, izmedju ostalih.

Janoris Jenkins u Bengalse, dal je postojala druga opcija?

Da, da, ovo bi bio jedan tako tipican pik Inace, ja sam znao za ova sranja sa vutrom, ali kad sam procitao onaj tekst koji sam juce okacio na NCAA, sad bih dobro razmislio da li bih ga pokupio. Inace, ako se ponasa normalno, on ce biti ogromno pojacanje, decko igra kao zmaj.

Sto se tice Klivlendovog pika, ne znam meni Martin ne deluje kao igrac koga bi oni birali. Decku se zamera nedostatak snage za LT, a on bi trebao da bude RT u AFCN, tu nema mnogo logike. Pri tome, nema potrebe za trazenjem naslednika za Tomasa, covek ce igrati bar jos 5 godina. Glen bi bio dosta logicniji izbor u ovom slucaju, ako nista ono lakse bi se nosio sa ogromnim likovima iz AFCN.

Meni se cini da je Rajt sa Bejlora mnogo logicniji pik od Hila na WR, bar ako Kolt ostaje QB...

Offline Nikša

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #421 on: April 11, 2012, 04:43:00 pm »
DeCastro je previse dobar da izadje iz prvih 20. Da je kojim slucajem Tackle iso bi u prvih 10.

pored Bengalsa nece proci sigurno  :D

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #422 on: April 11, 2012, 05:37:44 pm »
Sto se tice Klivlendovog pika, ne znam meni Martin ne deluje kao igrac koga bi oni birali. Decku se zamera nedostatak snage za LT, a on bi trebao da bude RT u AFCN, tu nema mnogo logike. Pri tome, nema potrebe za trazenjem naslednika za Tomasa, covek ce igrati bar jos 5 godina. Glen bi bio dosta logicniji izbor u ovom slucaju, ako nista ono lakse bi se nosio sa ogromnim likovima iz AFCN.

Meni se cini da je Rajt sa Bejlora mnogo logicniji pik od Hila na WR, bar ako Kolt ostaje QB...

Decko je previse talentovan da ga propuste. Bolji je igrac od Glenna na T poziciji i mislim da ima veliki potencijal. Sto vise filma gledam vise sam uvjeren da zamjerke o nedostatku snage proizilaze iz njegovog specificnog stila igre u koje mse jako oslanja na noge i iz neodstatka agreesivnosti. I jedno i drugo se brzo mogu ispraviti. LT ne rastu na drvecu, nema sanse da na draftu padne do 22. pika.
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Offline Foldingo

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #423 on: April 11, 2012, 11:28:35 pm »
Newman, a free agent cornerback who was released by the Cowboys this year, has signed with the Bengals, according to ESPN’s Adam Schefter.

Nista od Jenkins-a?  :A
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Offline Duh

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #424 on: April 12, 2012, 01:10:59 am »
Newman, a free agent cornerback who was released by the Cowboys this year, has signed with the Bengals, according to ESPN’s Adam Schefter.

Nista od Jenkins-a?  :A

Ma da, to je isto kao da su mene potpisali i onda kazes nece Dzenkinsa, upravo su potpisali najgoreg CB lige :)

Decko je previse talentovan da ga propuste. Bolji je igrac od Glenna na T poziciji i mislim da ima veliki potencijal. Sto vise filma gledam vise sam uvjeren da zamjerke o nedostatku snage proizilaze iz njegovog specificnog stila igre u koje mse jako oslanja na noge i iz neodstatka agreesivnosti. I jedno i drugo se brzo mogu ispraviti. LT ne rastu na drvecu, nema sanse da na draftu padne do 22. pika.

Ne verujem ja da ce on pasti daleko, nije stvar u tome. Ja sam ga gledao, bio je sasvim dobar, ali je, bar po mom misljenju, izgubio bitku sa Perijem, sto jelte nije stramota, ali opet. Ne znam, AFCN je najfizilaknija divizija u NFL i nema mi logike da igrac koji igra na tehniku i finese ode tamo. No, ko zna, Harbo ga je trenirao, a ocigledno su njegovi timovi dovoljno zestoki...

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #425 on: April 12, 2012, 05:51:41 am »
završim sa mockom, kad vidim vani dan  :lol:

odo spavat, jebo ja sebe  :novak:


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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #426 on: April 12, 2012, 10:56:10 am »
Stafford je uspio odigrati svih 16 utakmica (iako je imao problema s prstom par tjedana)

Istina, cijelu sezonu je propustio Leshoure sa ozljeđenom ahilovom tetivom, a Best je već imao toliko potresa da jedva može svoje ime izgovoriti. Smith je eksplodirao protiv Panthersa, ali se odmah nakon toga opet ozljedio i vratio na staro. Sve su to dobri igrači, ali džabe im kvaliteta kada nisu u stanju ostati zdravi mjesec dana.

Kada su svi zdravi i igraju, to je jako dobra grupa igrača, ali problem je što su jako rijetko zdravi

Houston je bio odličan do ozljede, Berry je također pokazao što zna prije ozljede.

LT je Jeff Backus, on je iskusan (star) i prošle sezone se gadno mučio s ozljedama.

Jason Fox je u kampu i predsezonskim utakmicama pokazao da ima iznimat potencijal, ali taj momak zaista nije u stanju mjesec dana biti zdrav.

a Culbreath valjda u cijelom životu nije osjetio kako je to biti fizički zdrav

Nadam se da je barem Jim Schwartz ostao zdrav na kraju sezone.  :hm:

Sampion IIIb lige za 2016. godinu

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #427 on: April 12, 2012, 11:19:06 am »
Ma da, to je isto kao da su mene potpisali i onda kazes nece Dzenkinsa, upravo su potpisali najgoreg CB lige :)

A ti si shvatio moje pitanje ozbiljno? :D
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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #428 on: April 12, 2012, 11:32:07 am »
Nadam se da je barem Jim Schwartz ostao zdrav na kraju sezone.  :hm:

Izgleda da je samo Megatron preziveo, ovi ostali pomrli izgleda...
Šampion Endzone III-B lige za 2015.godinu!
Šampion Vince Lombardi Keeper lige za 2019.godinu!
Šampion AllDef lige za 2021.godinu!
Šampion Dynasty NBA za 2022/23!

Offline marasin

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #429 on: April 12, 2012, 11:49:29 am »
Cek, sad ce on na naslovnu Madden-a 13 :P

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #430 on: April 12, 2012, 01:09:35 pm »
Nadam se da je barem Jim Schwartz ostao zdrav na kraju sezone.  :hm:
čudo da se nije ozljedio u rukovanju sa harbaughom  :lol:

al realno, jedini igrači lionsa koji su stvarno zajebali a nisu bili ozljeđeni su logan i burleson... strašnu ekipu imaju kad su svi zdravi. al nikad nisu zdravi

Offline dr.dule

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #431 on: April 12, 2012, 03:58:07 pm »
detroit baš nema sreće za trkačima. ne bi me čudilo da se trkač koga budu birali na ovom draftu otklizne na neki sapun u kupatilu i povredi u kampu.

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #432 on: April 12, 2012, 04:15:23 pm »
Mikel je pao za dzicu, tako da moze da ocekuje i suspenziju...

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #433 on: April 12, 2012, 04:35:16 pm »
Daj Bože da LMJ ili Polk dođu Lionsima u trećoj  :cheer:

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #434 on: April 13, 2012, 11:35:34 am »
Kad sam procitao ovo, nisam mogao da verujem! Fenomenalno odradjena analiza 3. dana proslogodisnjeg drafta. Ovaj lik je pratio kako su igrali svi igraci pokupljeni u kasnim rundama i napravio all-rookie tim od njih. Sjajno! I u kasnim rundama mogu da se nadju dobri igraci, a neki od njih i pored toga sto su, da kazemo, hype-ovani su dokazali da zasluzuju te kasne runde, barem u prvoj godini (Cannon, Sturdivant, Virgil Greene...) :)

2011 NFL Draft (Day 3) - Statistical Analysis of Players Selected

(137) DB Buster Skrine – Cleveland Browns (via Tenn. Chattanooga)
16 games played, 18 tackles, 1 INT.
(138) OT Marcus Cannon – New England Patriots (via TCU)
7 games played, 0 starts
(142) DT Karl Klug – Tennessee Titans (via Iowa)
16 games, 1 start, 20 tackles, 7.0 sacks, 2 forced fumbles.
(145) RB Jacquizz Rodgers – Atlanta Falcons (via Oregon State)
57 carries for 205 yards, 1 TD, 21 Receptions for 188 yds, 1 TD
(146) FS Dejon Gomes – Washington Redskins (via Nebraska)
15 games, 5 starts and 35 tackles
(148) WR Denarius Moore – Oakland Raiders (via Tennessee)
13 games with 10 starts 33 receptions for 618 yards and 5 tds, 5 carries for 61 yards and 1 TD
(149) RB Dion Lewis – Philadelphia Eagles (via Pitt)
23 carries for 102 yards and 1 TD, 1 reception for -3 yards
(150) OG Jason Pinkston – Cleveland Browns (via Pitt)
16 games and 16 starts
(152) QB T.J. Yates – Houston Texans (via North Carolina)
6 games and 5 starts, 82/134 for 949 yards, 3 TDs, 3 INTs, 5 fumbles with 3 lost
(153) WR Jeremy Kerley – New York Jets (via TCU)
14 games with 1 start, 29 receptions for 314 yards 1 TD, 5 rushes for 28 yards, 3 fumbles with 1 lost
(154) CB Richard Sherman - Seattle Seahawks (via Stanford)
16 games with 10 starts, 55 tackles, 17 PDEF, 1 forced fumble and 4 INTs
(165 comp.) DE Pernell McPhee – Baltimore Ravens (via Mississippi State)
16 games played, 23 tackles with 6.0 sacks and 1 forced fumble.

Round 6:
(170) DB Mistral Raymond – Minnesota Vikings (via South Florida)
10 games and 5 starts with 22 tackles and 1 INT.
(174) FB Charles Clay – Miami Dolphins (via Tulsa)
14 games with 9 starts, 16 receptions for 233 yards and 3 TDs
(177) RB Evan Royster – Washington Redskins (via Penn State)
6 games with 2 starts, 56 carries for 328 yards, 0 TDs
(184) DT David Carter – Arizona Cardinals (via UCLA)
16 games played with 16 tackles, 1 sack and 1 forced fumble
(185) ILB Greg Jones - New York Giants (via Michigan State)
16 games with 5 starts and 31 tackles
(186) ILB D.J. Smith – Green Bay Packers (via Appalachian State)
16 games with 3 starts and 43 tackles with 1 INT
(188) CB Chris Rucker – Indy Colts (via Michigan State)
15 games with 4 starts and 36 tackles. 2 PDEF
(191) C Jason Kelce – Philadelphia Eagles (via Cincinnati)
16 games and 16 starts
(192) P Matt Bosher – Atlanta Falcons (via Miami)
16 games, 70 punts for a 42.7 yard average with 27 punts inside the 20
(193) OLB Brian Rolle – Philadelphia Eagles (via Ohio State)
16 games and 13 starts for 53 tackles, 1 sack and 1 forced fumbled, 4 PDEF
(198) DB Tyler Sash – New York Giants (via Iowa)
16 games for 18 tackles and 1 forced fumble
(201) OG Stephen Schilling – San Diego Chargers (via Michigan)
9 games played with 2 starts
(202) LB Jacquian Williams – New York Giants (via South Florida)
16 games with 2 starts for 78 tackles, 1 sack and 4 PDEF

(206) DB Justin Rogers – Buffalo Bills (via Richmond)
13 games with 1 start, 16 tackles, 1 INT and 4 PDEF
(211) FB Bruce Miller – San Francisco 49ers (via Central Florida)
15 games with 8 starts, 4 carries for 8 yards, 11 rec. for 83 yards, 1 TD (blocking FB)
(214) OT Derek Newton – Houston Texans (via Arkansas State)
14 games played
(217) OG Maurice Hurt – Washington Redskins (via Florida)
8 games with 8 starts
(231) NT Frank Kearse – Carolina Panthers (via Alabama A&M and Miami Dolphins)
6 games with 4 starts for 10 tackles and 0.5 sacks
(234) LB Andrew Gachkar – San Diego Chargers (via Missouri)
16 games for 15 tackles (spec. teams seems like)
(235) CB Jimmy Wilson – Miami Dolphins (via Montana)
15 games with 1 start for 17 tackles, 1 forced fumble and 1 INT, 5 PDEF
(242) LB Malcolm Smith – Seattle Seahawks (via USC)
12 games for 16 tackles, 1 sack and 1 forced fumble
(253) NT Chris Neild – Washington Redskins (via West Virginia)
16 games for 10 tackles and 2.0 sacks

(134) DB Robert Sands - Cincinnati Bengals (via West Virginia)
1 game, no stats
(139) DB Brandon Burton – Minnesota Vikings (via Utah)
10 games, 1 start, 8 tackles
(155) WR Niles Paul – Washington Redskins (via Nebraska)
13 games with 2 starts, 2 receptions for 25 yards, 1 rush for 7 yards.
(158) DB Jermale Hines – Indy Colts (via Ohio State and Rams/Panthers)
10 games and 6 total tackles
(159) TE Lee Smith – Buffalo Bills (via Marshall and New England Patriots)
10 games with 3 starts, 4 receptions for 11 yards (blocking tight end)
(162) OLB Chris Carter – Pittsburgh Steelers (via Fresno State)
8 games and 3 tackles.
(167) WR Ryan Whalen – Cincinnati Bengals (via Stanford)
4 games with 4 receptions for 27 yards
(169) ILB Chris White – Buffalo Bills (via Mississippi State)
7 games with 8 tackles
(171) LB Quan Sturdivant – Arizona Cardinals (via North Carolina)
No Stats
(181) WR Ronald Johnson – Philadelphia Eagles (via USC and SF 49ers)
No Stats
(197) DE Ricky Elmore – Green Bay Packers (via Arizona)
No Stats
(199) NT Jerrell Powe – Kansas City Chiefs (via Ole Miss)
1 game, no stats
(204) TE Virgil Green – Denver Broncos (via Nevada)
15 games with 3 starts, 3 receptions for 24 yards (Tim Tebow at QB however, lol)
(244) OL Lee Ziemba – Carolina Panthers (via Auburn)
6 games played, no starts
(247) DE Jeremy Beal – Denver Broncos (via Oklahoma)
No Stats


RaiderAg's Humble Notes:
Round 5 production vs. Round 6 production vs. Round 7 production is very evident as you go up and down the board. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that impactful talent can't be found on Day 3, even late on Day 3, with some educated guessing and chance come opening Sunday. Sometimes we see injuries open up holes for players to shine, or simply, they shine in camp and it's up to the staff to let the players play and let the established favorites sit.

Judging solely on Rookie Year Production and not rookie year development (due to lack of playing time...see Aaron Rodgers), I'm going to attempt a list of impact players who made a strong impression in their opening season. The Top 11 Picks Are:

(148) WR Denarius Moore – Oakland Raiders (via Tennessee)
13 games with 10 starts 33 receptions for 618 yards and 5 tds, 5 carries for 61 yards and 1 TD

I hate to be biased, but I can't think of a kid that made himself a more household name in his rookie season than "That Man." Spiderman friggin' mopped up and made big play after big play and even took over games at times. From his huge bomb go ahead TD in Buffalo to his dominant performance in San Diego, D. Moore is going to be something special.

(154) CB Richard Sherman - Seattle Seahawks (via Stanford)
16 games with 10 starts, 55 tackles, 17 PDEF, 1 forced fumble and 4 INTs

A converted WR at Stanford under Harbaugh, Sherman's measurables, and Carroll's guidance have produced some eye-popping numbers. No doubt, some serious growing pains, but the tackle numbers show his nose for the ball and the 4 INTs says that he can make plays as long as he is constantly targeted by opposing QBs.

(202) LB Jacquian Williams – New York Giants (via South Florida)
16 games with 2 starts for 78 tackles, 1 sack and 4 PDEF

The tackles are insane, if you've ever seen Jacquian play, the kid is a physical beast. The Raiders seriously need to take a look at the freaks out in Tampa playing at USF.

(142) DT Karl Klug – Tennessee Titans (via Iowa)
16 games, 1 start, 20 tackles, 7.0 sacks, 2 forced fumbles.

Precisely why it is important to revitalize the depth on the line. Spark Klug got after the quarterback and helped lead a Titan defense until the offense caught up. 7.0 sacks for the DT position is remarkable, along with 20 tackles. Richard Seymour finished with 29 tackles and 6.0 sacks to give some comparison.

(165 comp.) DE Pernell McPhee – Baltimore Ravens (via Mississippi State)
16 games played, 23 tackles with 6.0 sacks and 1 forced fumble.

On a defense as dominant (at times) as Baltimore. Young McPhee made his presence felt all year. Solid numbers that helped solidify a pass rush that is constantly evolving into something better.

(145) RB Jacquizz Rodgers – Atlanta Falcons (via Oregon State)
57 carries for 205 yards, 1 TD, 21 Receptions for 188 yds, 1 TD

Considering the weapons in Atlanta (Gonzales, White, Jones, Turner), finding a steady niche wasn't easy. However, Quizz found a spot and managed to squeeze out some good overall numbers. I think he's the Darren Sproles of the future, just without the special teams impact.

(191) C Jason Kelce – Philadelphia Eagles (via Cincinnati)
16 games and 16 starts

Starting as a rookie is never easy. Let alone making the calls in an Andy Reid offense. The feisty young center came in and took a stronghold at the Pivot early on in camp...then managed to start every single game.

(193) OLB Brian Rolle – Philadelphia Eagles (via Ohio State)
16 games and 13 starts for 53 tackles, 1 sack and 1 forced fumbled, 4 PDEF

The Eagles are never one to look too much into height/weight/speed, like every franchise they thirst for it...but the 5'-10" OLB Rolle, used every bit of his frame to establish himself in Philly. Earning 13 starts and also playing special teams...Rolle had a strong rookie year. Kamerion Wimbley had 62 total tackles this season.

(150) OG Jason Pinkston – Cleveland Browns (via Pitt)
16 games and 16 starts

Not a dominant line outside of Joe Thomas and Alex Mack, but Pinkston dropped to the 5th round, and being picked up by Cleveland proved a good pick. 16/16 is saying something for a rookie lineman...or the lack of depth, lol.

(211) FB Bruce Miller – San Francisco 49ers (via Central Florida)
15 games with 8 starts, 4 carries for 8 yards, 11 rec. for 83 yards, 1 TD (blocking FB)

A former Conference USA Defensive Player of the Year and sack artist extraordinaire, Harbaugh brought in Miller and transformed him into one of the most dominant blocking FBs in the League. Leading the way for one of the top rushing offenses in the NFL, Bruce Miller clearly has carved a niche for himself...also plays special teams.

(186) ILB D.J. Smith – Green Bay Packers (via Appalachian State)
16 games with 3 starts and 43 tackles with 1 INT

Not a dominant season for D.J. Smith, but for a FCS level guy, even a strong program at The Rock, D.J. Smith made a serious impact on a defense that was needing rookie infusion this season after free agency.

I have not tackled any UDFA, but I am sure there are more than a few which have done very well for themsevles this season.
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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #435 on: April 13, 2012, 01:57:41 pm »
Najcrnje je sto nije odradio i UDFA. I tu ima par talenata, jos i boljih  :cool:

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #436 on: April 13, 2012, 03:02:11 pm »
Sta je, bre, tu najcrnje? :lol:
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing.” - Vince Lombardi

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #437 on: April 14, 2012, 09:55:04 am »
kakva su to nagadjanja da bi Filadelfija mogla do no.4 ? 

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #438 on: April 14, 2012, 10:05:42 am »
Koliko se jos ceka Dildo?

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #439 on: April 14, 2012, 10:10:16 am »
verujem da ce birati nekog od preostalih def.teklova tako da ljudi koji posle njega vec imaju na umu sta bi birali. imam utisak da im D-lord ne moze omesti izbor, kada se vide potrebe timova.

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #440 on: April 14, 2012, 10:40:40 am »
Bice za nekih sat vremena...

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #441 on: April 14, 2012, 01:13:00 pm »

Simpson je poznat po salto TD, a Caldwell po TD-ovima na kraju tekmi protiv shitzburga i gavrana

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #442 on: April 14, 2012, 01:14:21 pm »

Simpson je poznat po salto TD, a Caldwell po TD-ovima na kraju tekmi protiv shitzburga i gavrana


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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #443 on: April 14, 2012, 04:04:51 pm »

Sad vratite onaj deo topica i deo gde sam pricao o tradedown-u Brownsa. Sklapaju se kockice...

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #444 on: April 14, 2012, 04:38:22 pm »
Iako ima logike, ne mora to nista da znaci...ta pre-draft nagadjanja su cesto samo to - nagadjanja.
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing.” - Vince Lombardi

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #445 on: April 14, 2012, 08:28:06 pm »
Devon Still i Kendall Wright su najbolji primeri price o draftu. ova dva momka su koliko u februaru na mock-ovim i listama bili u top 10. sada se jedva motaju u prvoj rundi. sta znaci price u vezi drafta. gledao sam neko poredjenje medju svim DT , Still  ima najboljiu ocenu za 34DE.

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #446 on: April 15, 2012, 09:50:34 am »
Ljudi, isprike sto se tek sad javljam, ali imam problema s internetom..evo sad se jedva nekako javljam s moba, da ne zadrzavam mock..

pa bi molio ako netko moze odraditi pickove patsa umjesto mene, jer ja vjerojatno necu jos par dana imati internet..

stvarno mi je zao, ali tehnika je zakazala..

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #447 on: April 15, 2012, 10:23:32 am »
ja sam u dogovoru sa komesarom izabrao pik. kasnije objasnjenje


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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #448 on: April 15, 2012, 02:58:15 pm »
Kada bi TT uradio jedan trade up i obradovao nas sa dobrim OLB-om...
Ingram bi tesko dosao u obzir (ne i nemoguce), ali Courtney Upshaw izgleda kao realnija opcija.
Mislim da je za razliku od onoga sto ce se desiti na nasem mocku pao dosta nisko. Dosta se prica i da ga Cowgirlsi sigurno nece preskociti ako bude dostupan na No 14.
Zanima me i sa kojim timom bi Packersi mogli da urade trade up.  :hm:
Imaju 12 pikova (7 regularnih, 1 za Galeba, 4 kompenzacija). Dobrim trejdom smo 2009. uzeli CM III i Rajia u prvoj rundi, sto se brzo isplatilo. Na kraju krajeva obojica su postala Pro Bowl.
Od ta 4 compensatory picka dva su fourth-round i dva seventh-round i ja nisam siguran da li oni mogu da se koriste za trade, mada mislim da ne mogu.
Zanimljivo je da je Scott Wells dosao kao compensatory iz sedme runde.
Uglavnom, TT ima na raspolaganju 8 pikova za trade.

Sampion IIIb lige za 2016. godinu

Offline mardok

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #449 on: April 15, 2012, 03:39:24 pm »
@ Dr.Dule jel mislis na Chris Rainey RB sa Floride? Ili nekog drugog RB?

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #450 on: April 15, 2012, 03:48:54 pm »
bas taj. Chris Rainey sa Floride. zimus sam ga zapazio i setim se da takve voli Bil. secam se kada je ispizdeo zbog Harvina kada mu je Minesota ispred nosa maznula pa je onda krenuo da se spusta na tabli. evo sada taj mali Chris Rainey se dobro se gostio u Bostonu dva dana.

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #451 on: April 15, 2012, 03:50:30 pm »

Imaju 12 pikova (7 regularnih, 1 za Galeba, 4 kompenzacija). Dobrim trejdom smo 2009. uzeli CM III i Rajia u prvoj rundi, sto se brzo isplatilo. Na kraju krajeva obojica su postala Pro Bowl.
Od ta 4 compensatory picka dva su fourth-round i dva seventh-round i ja nisam siguran da li oni mogu da se koriste za trade, mada mislim da ne mogu.
Zanimljivo je da je Scott Wells dosao kao compensatory iz sedme runde.
Uglavnom, TT ima na raspolaganju 8 pikova za trade.
Dobro mislis  ;)

Offline mardok

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #452 on: April 15, 2012, 03:53:58 pm »
bas taj. Chris Rainey sa Floride. zimus sam ga zapazio i setim se da takve voli Bil. secam se kada je ispizdeo zbog Harvina kada mu je Minesota ispred nosa maznula pa je onda krenuo da se spusta na tabli. evo sada taj mali Chris Rainey se dobro se gostio u Bostonu dva dana.
Dobar tandem je bio sa Dempsom kad su bili zdravi.
Stata sto Demps nece vise da se bavi fudbalom.

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #453 on: April 15, 2012, 03:56:55 pm »
Kada bi TT uradio jedan trade up i obradovao nas sa dobrim OLB-om...
Ingram bi tesko dosao u obzir (ne i nemoguce), ali Courtney Upshaw izgleda kao realnija opcija.
Mislim da je za razliku od onoga sto ce se desiti na nasem mocku pao dosta nisko. Dosta se prica i da ga Cowgirlsi sigurno nece preskociti ako bude dostupan na No 14.
Zanima me i sa kojim timom bi Packersi mogli da urade trade up.  :hm:

pa onda bi najbolje bilo da napravite trejd sa timom koji drži 13. pick na draftu  :zvizdanje:
Nenad Čanak štapom bije Kristijana Karembea.

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Re: NFL draft i prateće manifestacije
« Reply #454 on: April 15, 2012, 04:03:33 pm »
Nemojte 13, to je baksuzno. 12 je bolja cifra